Ist ein Online-Reisevermittler, der einen qualifizierten Service für die Suche und Buchung günstiger Flugtickets bietet.
Cheapairtickets wird unter der Geschäftsleitung von Siva Travel and Finance Limited betrieben. Dieses von der Reisebranche ausgezeichnete Unternehmen blickt auf mehr als 16 Jahren Erfahrung und Know-how im Tourismusgeschäft zurück.
Der Online-Buchungsservice von Cheapairtickets ist ebenso praktisch so wie sicher und zuverlässig.
Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass Sie vollauf mit uns zufrieden sein werden.
Cheapairtickets ist IATA-zertifiziert und befolgt internationale Normen für also die Sicherheit von Online-Transaktionen.
Darüber hinaus sind wir Mitglied der Stiftung gesetzlicher Garantiefonds der Schweizer Reisebranche (TPA) und zu Ihrem Schutz finanziell umfassend versichert.
Dank unserem attraktiven, sicheren Online-Buchungssystem und unserer einzigartigen, benutzerfreundlichen Plattform können wir eine äusserst breite Palette an Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus so der Reisebranche auf einer einzigen Website anbieten.
5 Reviews
6 years ago
This swiss travel company was fabulous! Our agent was wonderful! Couldn’t have asked for a better travel planner!!!!
6 years ago
“Our agent was wonderful! Couldn’t have asked for a better travel planner!!!!”
6 years ago
Our trip was amazing! We ended up deciding on a European trip at the last minute and our travel agent worked very efficiently and effectively with our time constraints. Our travel agent helped us choose the best cities to travel to. We were very pleased with the accommodations and guides. The only thing we would have liked would be an itemized list of charges to our credit card.
6 years ago
We had a fantastic trip. Our siva travel agent took the time to go through several iterations of our trip to ensure that we had the right pace, budget, and time to have the best experience possible.
6 years ago
Few things command more respect than hard work, integrity, dedication and the ability to follow through. These are among the many attributes we experienced from start to finish when organizing our trip to India with this travel agent. This travel agent is an excellent listener and pays attention to detail
This swiss travel company was fabulous! Our agent was wonderful! Couldn’t have asked for a better travel planner!!!!
“Our agent was wonderful! Couldn’t have asked for a better travel planner!!!!”
Our trip was amazing! We ended up deciding on a European trip at the last minute and our travel agent worked very efficiently and effectively with our time constraints. Our travel agent helped us choose the best cities to travel to. We were very pleased with the accommodations and guides. The only thing we would have liked would be an itemized list of charges to our credit card.
We had a fantastic trip. Our siva travel agent took the time to go through several iterations of our trip to ensure that we had the right pace, budget, and time to have the best experience possible.
Few things command more respect than hard work, integrity, dedication and the ability to follow through. These are among the many attributes we experienced from start to finish when organizing our trip to India with this travel agent. This travel agent is an excellent listener and pays attention to detail